More images and thoughts from the team!

So, just wanted to take some time to share with people the process, our goals, and what was the results. We had loads of fun creating the game, and our end product was close to what our original plan was. You can view our roadmap on our trello ( We did not finish all that we had hoped but we got really close!
We wanted to create a game that had the use of a tank. From there the idea was how do we tie this into the theme. We wanted you to have to be in a real life war situation where you could hurt or harm your own friendly people. In some cases you might need to fire ammunition in the direction of your friendlies (called danger close in real life) so that you can finish your goal. We added a few other smaller hints (run of your own team and you can get health back).
As with any product, it begins to morph and change due to timelines and technical issues. Luckily, we kept the scope small enough that we did not have to deviate too far from the original idea. Another struggle is learning to work with people you have never worked with before. This can be challenging at times, but ultimately we worked out our differences and were able to work on a united front. It is key to remember that this is just a gamejam, the purpose should be for fun and exploration of game concepts. Many people use these jams to learn and explore new areas they would never have thought to try before. This can often lead to longer times to complete things, but if all people are aware of this and focus on just having fun and learning new things the jam can be really rewarding.
24HRS prior to release we had a massive glitch in our CPP code in reference to a BP. This made the project non responsive and it would hang up on load (72% bug). Luckily, this bug was fairly common and some googling helped us resolve the problem rather quickly. We only lost 2-4HRS with trying to mess with the p4 repository.
We also added in an entire new game mode, 14 new features, and completed over 22 bugs within the last 7HRS of the competition. All of the art assets had to have UV mapping completed and then a base atlas map applied. It was a rather hectic last few hours but we pulled through with 1HR left till submission.
We are proud of the product we created, with a bit more polish and focus on some of the weaker points it could be a very fun minigame. We hope you enjoy it!
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